Friday, September 30, 2011


Finally something nice and random. An old cabbage patch kid shoved into a hamper turned on it's side and put on top of some sort of stand surrounded by a bunch of crap. 

It's things that this that really make my walks happy. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bush Panties

Yup, no jokes there, just a pair of panties sitting in a bush...what the hell?

I wonder if this is related to the condom found the other day, or the half empty bottle of patron...but hopefully not the sleeping bum.....unless they are his.

Hhhmmmm, wonder how that skeleton would look in a pair of panties, now if I can only find a hazmat suit laying around 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This creepy guy's just hanging out in front of my place. 

Found some curds and whey nearby....

Miss Muffet is still no where to be seen.

Okay...sorry slow day. Didn't go to work so didn't have any adventures. Just a boring day of driving around running errands, did get to go see the kittens again, so that was pretty fun. In fact I wonder is these spiders could have caused any damage to those kittens if they stayed there. 

Eh, either way I feel like a hero, so I'll just pretend these spiders were going to kill the kittens and I saved them!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rubber Road

What do you do with 365 used condoms? 

Make a tire and call it a good year!

What do you do with 4,365 used tires?

Turn it into a road!

Hmmm, that punchline needs some work. 

Monday, September 26, 2011


I see this everyday as I'm walking and it always strikes me as being odd. Why is there so much paint in so many different colors just spilled everywhere?

You can tell that top picture has a perfect footprint in it....but it's only those two footprints?!?! I never really thought of how odd that is until now. You telling me there's a boot covered in paint that only left one mark? Wouldn't you see a long trail and be able to follow it?

Oh and speaking of following it, I'm going to try a little something different today...a VIDEO! Scratch that...two videos!!

Sorry about the bounciness of it, I wear those Sketchers Shapeups, because it helps my knees not hurt and make my ass look amazing.

Haha, I think one of these days I should just record my entire walk. Thoughts?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Whip it good

This one's a bit harder to see, so try clicking it to enlarge it...woah, pretty cool huh? Now you can go back and click all the other ones and make them bigger too! Oh and look a fancy comment section for you to leave me some feedback....just sayin'

Anyway, back to the picture. So it was pretty dark outside but I could barely make out the shadow and saw these little things, I shined cellphone-used-as-a-flashlight down and saw a blue thing, my first thought was DEAD SMURF! But no, it was a little container, several of them actually...then I said hey these look like..and you can see the box in the background...yup a box of whip-its.

Figured I would try to take a picture, but it was so dark you coulnt' really see them. I'll try and make a part two with pictures on the way to work today.

EDIT: Here's a picture during the day

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I guess when there's no room on the bench at the bus stop you just bring your own chair?

I had a pepsi chair in High School that I used to walk around with all the time,bought it with those silly pepsi points they were doing, but yeah it was a pretty awesome chair. One time I just busted it out in the middle of Pinole Valley road right in this wide space on the crosswalk so cars could still drive by and just sat there for a bit.....I did weird things.

Oh and not only did I have a pepsi chair...I had a Mountain Dew "Extreme Network" pager. was awesome.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Huge bitch

...and by bitch I mean female dog, although they could have been male, but the headline wouldn't have been funny. Anyway....those dogs are fricking huge. And she has two of them!!

The dogs were pretty nice, but that could have just been because I had beef jerky in my other hand.

As she was walking away I heard her yelling "heel, HEEL!" yeah...good luck with that

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Random...that's about all I can really say.

I guess it's nice someone picked it up and put it there, maybe in hopes that the owner of the hubcap would drive by and go "Oh, there it is!"

Actually you'd be surprised at the amount of crap I pick up and toss to the side when walking just so cars don't hit it. So think of that next time your waiting for a pedestrian to cross the street and get impatient.

Hell, the other day I actually had to walk in the middle of the street and hold up my hands so cars would stop...a big chunk of metal fell off a truck and would have easily punctured a tire, dude was wailing on his horn and looked like he was yelling at me, I reached down picked it up, showed it to him, threw it off to the side and flipped him off...haha. Yeah, I did it to help you, ass.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How fast

I'd like to think that someone drove by so fast that the sign flew off.

I kinda wish I would have taken it, would have been a neat little thing to have, after all I do own a giant letter "G" that's used as stencil on roads for XING signs.

But on the way back home it was gone...oh well.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Look, off in the distance, it's the ever elusive sleeping bum. Just quietly walk past so you don't startle him, they are known to beg for change to spend on booze...

Although I guess if you're gonna end up sleeping on the grass near the freeway, you have to be piss drunk to catch some Z's

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Camouflaged Kitty!

Can you see her? (click the picture to make it bigger)Tried to get a little closer but she took off running. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Deck the Hall

I love Hallween!

Actually that sounds like a redneck version. We gon' dress up like ghosts for hall'ween, I tell you what.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm tired of these mother f'ing glasses on this mother f'ing tree

In all fairness I took this last night, but it is the same way I walk to and from work, and for all I know it's still there now.

Yeah, glasses on a tree. I don't know what else to say about that. My guess is maybe someone found them and just put them on the tree hoping the owner would walk by and see them.

Or maybe the tree is just having some vision problems and needs them for reading, yeah I know tree you say you only need them for reading, but you're supposed to wear them all the time, don't worry glasses are fine now and no one's gonna call you a nerd for wearing them

Thursday, September 15, 2011


A memorial to Jeffrey McCoy right down the street from me. For the story click this link.

It's a weird feeling walking past that spot, you can still see the stains on the concrete, makes you think a lot about life and the people you know.

That plastic container says there's croissants in there and for some reason that gets me every time I see it . There's a story around that, that'll never know. Was it an inside joke between him and a friend? Did the man just really love croissants? Maybe someone was eating croissants with him the last time they saw him? Whatever it was, someone cared about him and knew him enough to say "Forget the flowers, Jeff gets croissants".

Take the little things that you know and love about someone and make them count.

...then again, the croissants could mean nothing at all, and I'm just reading to far into it, but now to me, they mean something.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hidden Skeleton

Hmmm, well normally I wouldn't be interested in such a boring image but I was walking past this wall and noticed my shoelace was a little untied. Ahh, what a perfect set of ledges for me to prop my foot up on and tie it....wait what's this

You can see this on the second set of steps from the top in the first picture. Tiny lil skeleton. I've probably walked by this thing 100 times and never noticed it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cats and Dogs


As I'm walking along I think, sweet, a cat carrier!

Then I look inside

Why on earth would someone decide to stash an empty box of corndogs in a cat carrier? For some reason this made me delighted when I looked in. It's almost like someone said "Hey, I bet that guy that walks around and takes pictures of random things would get a kick out of this"

Or maybe it's a prank like unscrewing the lid on a salt shaker at a restaurant, one never actually get to see he end result just imagines what it would be like.

Either way, this made me smile, but looking back I should have checked if there was a prize within a prize and there was something in the corndog box...hmm maybe something was in that bag too, there could have been a box inside the bag that was inside the box....I wonder if it's still there, I think I'll have to go check.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Now when I come across something like this I wonder if it was actually a used one, or if some kids just thought it was funny. 

This is right down the street from the Junior High school and reminded me of a time in Junior high were we went into Longs and someone bought a pack of glow in the dark condoms, just thinking it would be funny. But the stupid part was it was during the day and he opened them...never got to see them glowing.