Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diapers strike back

Diapers at K-Mart
Clean ones found on isle two
Used ones are outside

Okay, day two of trying the Haiku thing and still not improving, think I need to give it up...but I won't I'll try it again. 

But seriously, what's with people leaving diapers around?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Street Salad

See the Tomato
Avocado is nearby
Celery there too

Yes, that was my first Dead Animals Haiku...didn't turn out so well, maybe I should stick to taking pictures instead of writing haiku's.

I'm sure the gophers that I always see popping out of that dirt right there had a nice lunch.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I can't tell you how many times I've walked past this and I NEVER noticed that there was no phone in here.

Hell, are there any pay phones anywhere now? The thing I I hate most about there not being any pay phones nearby is that you end up getting some skeevy ass people asking to use your cell phone.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Time to get back to basics on this site...finally found another one...poor little guy was probably running around on the powerlines and after looking at it, it's pretty damn graphic.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

See what you want

Some people see trash laying on the side of the road.

I see tit.

(Sorry, I've been away for a few days, but I'm back!)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hope it was negative

You would think with all the condoms I've seen laying around I wouldn't find a pregnancy test. 

and U-Check?!?! Never even heard of it, sounds like one of those you see at the 99 cent store or at Grocery Outlet. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Lonely Balloon

Poor little lonely balloon.

Just sitting there by it's lonesome self. 

You know, I was never one of those kids that had balloons at school. Was that just a chick thing? Cause I would have liked balloons. Although I think it would be odd for a 32 year old man to walk around with balloons, but maybe when I turn 33!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

More rubber

Another condom?!?! That's pretty damn nasty, but at least the kids are using protection, so I guess it's a good thing.

Guess it could be worse and I could be walking around finding aborted fetuses everywhere I look.....

....then again there was that skeleton I found

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spongebob Stoned pants

Oh Spongebob, you look more stoned than the teenagers watching your show. 

Is that really the best figure they could find?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Protesters

Didn't go to work yesterday and it was pouring down rain
so I pulled one from the archives.

Not really sure why these guys were out there, but it was pretty cool.
One of those random acts of awesomeness that you rarely get to see.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Black Crows

3 black crows are sitting in a tree
Looking down on mankind
Loving how it feels to be so free
Leaving us far behind...
And they cackled in joy and dove through the air
Like the winds of a hurricaine
And they spread their wings as if to declare
"Onward , let freedom ring!"

Okay, well, when I took this picture I was actually thinking it reminded me of some nursery rhyme about three black birds or black crows or something like that. So I took it and thought I would be clever. 

Well I was wrong, I think the one I was thinking about was the "Two blackbirds were sitting on a hill, one named Jack and one named Jill".

But then I did a google search as I would have to make some use out of this picture, and found this folk song by Blackmore's Night that had those lyrics, so I figured since they were just staring out over the freeway, it was kind of fitting after all. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ice Cream Gansta

Yup, right across the street from the Junior ice cream truck with rims.

I miss the days of being excited over the ice cream truck. I used to LOVE getting the wrestler ice cream bars. It had like this cookie thing on one side with an image of a wrestler and chocolate on the back, and each one came with a card.

Oh and Fizz! I would always get Fizz, the little hard candy with the crap inside that fizzed out...what the hell was that crap anyway?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A note!

Okay, this is something I've actually been hoping I would find walking around. See, I walk right past a Junior High School and just knew that some day I would find...


Did I pick it up and read it? I sure did!
I was hoping it would have been a love wasn't.

But that's okay, cause it's still pretty good. 

My mom always tell me to go to
school ang get an eduacation. She
want me to succeed in lifefinish school
and graduate. so I can find a job.
I want to be a nurse who take
care of others. I wanna help others.

I am Brandi Amie who is
friendly and love being goofy

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nice Car

No, seriously...that's a pretty sweet ass car.

I love seeing classic cars being driven around and now I realize that I missed the "Crusin in the Sun" car show we have in Pinole. Okay, I know....I missed it by like 3 months.

I really gotta pay more attention to the dates before things keep slipping by.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cart graveyard

Yup, this is where people go to dump their carts. Some of them are from stores about 1.5 miles away. I often see carts here, but I never see people pushing carts down the hill....which would be awesome.

I wonder who in the neighborhood is the culprit?